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After hip or knee replacement,
you may be at an increased risk for blood clots

If you have had hip or knee replacement surgery, you should know about the risk of developing blood clots in the legs and lungs.

Why might you be at an increased risk?

  • The surgery itself: Replacing a joint activates your body’s blood-clotting response
  • The postsurgery recovery: After surgery, you’re less active for several days or weeks. That can cause blood flow to slow down, which increases the risk of developing blood clots

A common type of blood clot that patients may have after hip or knee replacement surgery is called deep vein thrombosis, or DVT.

Learn how ELIQUIS can help.

DVT is a blood clot in a vein (usually in the thighs or pelvis) that may block the flow of blood. DVT can cause many symptoms, including pain, swelling, and redness of the skin. But it’s also possible that patients with DVT may experience no symptoms at all.

From legs to lungs

DVT may lead to a pulmonary embolism

Sometimes a DVT blood clot can break free and travel to the lungs. This can lead to a serious condition known as pulmonary embolism (PE). PE can limit the blood flow to the lungs and carries the risk of sudden death.

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After surgery a DVT blood clot can form in a vein, usually in the thighs or pelvis

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The clot, or a part of the clot, may break off and travel through blood vessels toward the lungs

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If that blood clot reaches the lungs it is called a PE. A PE can reduce or cut off blood supply to the lungs, and may even cause sudden death

The symptoms of PE may include:




Faster than normal
or irregular heartbeat


Chest pain


up blood


Very low blood pressure,
or fainting

Just like with DVT, some patients with PE may also have no symptoms.

What can help reduce the risk of having DVT/PE?

There are medicines that can help reduce the risk of forming a DVT/PE blood clot after a hip or knee replacement surgery. Your doctor may prescribe a medicine called an anticoagulant, a type of blood thinner, that may help lower your chance of developing a blood clot.